Love Comes Softly

Fiction  [ Browse Items ]
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Contemporary, Romance 
She ventured west with the man she loved, but in one day her whole world had crumbled around her... Nineteen-year-old Marty Claridge starts west with her adventurous, boyish husband, Clem, seeking to claim land and hoping for good fortune. But when the venture turns suddenly to tragedy, Marty is left alone with her great loss. And coupled with her grief and heartache is the grim reality that there is no way to return home. Clark Davis and his little girl, Missie, are also in great need. Clark’s wife has died, leaving him to care to Missie and the farm at the same time. His offer to Marty comes with good intention, but will courage and faith be enough to bring them to true love? First introduced in 1979, LOVE COMES SOFTLY has become a beloved classic in the inspirational fiction category. A generation of readers has laughed and wept and rejoiced with Marty and Clark Davis whose tragic circumstances threw them together on the frontier prairies of the 1800s. More than one million copies of Love Comes Softly have been sold. Look for the Hallmark Channel Original Movie based on the book, which will be shown on April 13, 2003 and on video in Fall 2003. - from Amzon

A marriage of convenience blossoms into heartfelt love in a pioneer setting in the Old West. Fiction in the Little-House-on-the-Prairie tradition. 
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